Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gratitude Journals for Four-Year-Olds? You Bet!

I received an email today from a Costco customer that made me smile. A couple of days ago I was in the Orem Costco and met a woman who bought a "What are You Thinking?" book for her four-year-old.

She told me they read the book when they got home, and her son loved it. He wanted to read it again the next morning. She even caught him "reading" it (in his own words) to his eighteen-month-old little sister. He was teaching her all about staying away from "yucky" thoughts.

Yvonne, the boys mother, told me a unique way she and her husband have helped their son with his prayers. He often didn't know what to pray about. They decided to help him create a daily gratitude journal. They told him he would decide four things he was thankful for and they would write it down for him throughout the day in his journal. The journal was a great way to focus on the blessings in his life and has helped him know what to pray about at the end of the day.

When Yvonne took the book home from Costco, her husband told her it was on his Amazon Wish List. She didn't even know that her husband had written it down, let alone knew about the book, but figured it was why she stopped by Costco while I was there. Pretty cool fulfillment of Law of Attraction from her husbands perspective!

Yvonne and her husband are great examples of parents proactively going the extra mile for their children. I wish I'd thought of doing a gratitude journal for my own kids when they were younger. However, I didn't even understand the value of having one, or the power of thought until I turned 40. It's never to late to start!

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